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About Vue Orleans
Locally, the team who helped shape the Vue narrative is a veritable Who’s Who of New Orleans culture bearers. Lawrence Powell, a Professor Emeritus of History at Tulane University, brought historical gravitas to the table. Powell, who is currently writing a follow-up to his book The Accidental City: Improvising New Orleans, was a critical linchpin. Powell has a deep understanding of Louisiana history, along with the evolution of the civil rights movement, the knowledge that came to bear in the writing of Rise Up, an original film detailing the struggle for equal rights in New Orleans and across the state. The captivating film was inspired and narrated by Dr. Henry Louis Gates, Jr., host of the television series Finding Your Roots since 2012. “Many people don’t know that our 1868 state constitution was the most racially progressive in the country,” said Powell. “There was so much lost with the rising up of Jim Crow laws and practices.”