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About Amzchef
Amzchef is a comprehensive brand of household appliances. We will always conduct in-depth research and development in the field of household and kitchen. We take strict requirements, quality and safety as our important development concepts. We started from Slow Masticating Juicer, and then expand to a full range of household and kitchen appliance.
Fruits and vegetables are important for health and fitness.
Slow Masticating Juicer creates a new taste but healthy way for Fruits and vegetables.
Slow Masticating Juicer squeeze out the fruits, veggies, and greens juice slowly, without damaging the fruit cell mechanism; it perfectly separates juice and pulp, extracting higher-purity juice, protect nutrient and reduce oxidation. Amzchef has been studied household and kitchen appliance for decades, and now is one of top sellers in the appliance field.